Job & Shells

Don Miller | 15 April 2020

These little shells carry a powerful message. They are extraordinarily beautiful. The God who made the stars made it so sea slugs–not too unlike garden snails–made them from calcium carbonate-protein layers secreted from cells on their backs. It’s back art– that they can’t even see! Astonishing.


However, even more astonishing is the hidden reality they reveal; that the God who created the moon, the sun, the earth, us–and all that is–is a God of inexpressible beauty.


Job had things hit from the outside that hurt him–things that scared him and scarred him. These things were not from the God who made him, but from other sources. And so it is with all of us in this life.  But, Romans 8 carries perhaps the most powerful reality ever given regarding difficult and confusing events; God Himself promises to cause these negative things to work for our great good– if we allow Him to.


Job did…He stayed true to God.  And– at the right moment–God began His work.


Two soul-staggering events are recorded in Job 42.  Job said regarding God Almighty,  “Before I heard of You, now my eyes see You.”…Somehow something incredibly deep happened inside Him and he experienced the infinite Creator in ways far more powerful than he ever had before.


Job described the second event in some of the most penetrating words in the Bible: “I spoke of things I did not know, things too WONDERFUL for me.” Job asked God to teach him His ways. He did. God showed him exceedingly wonderful things which had never entered his thoughts. –Job 42:5


We need to look to the God of all creation in this storm we are all facing. Listen for His whispers. Let Him be almighty for you and work things too wonderful for you.




©Don Miller, 2020.

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